Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Chapter 6: Accountability for High Standards`

The very first section of chapter 6 was talking about holding students accountable for late work. I very much agree with this. If teachers never have/give consequences for late work then the student will always talk advantage of this policy and turn in things whenever they want. In my middle school experiences if you were the teachers favorite, or one of them, they would let you turn in projects late, or homework late, and I know in one instance a student never turned in a project and got an A anyway because the teacher knew that they understood. This to me sends the wrong message to all of the students. It's kind of like you telling them that if they kiss enough butts they never have to do the work.
There was one thing that I did not agree with in this chapter and that was what they were saying about extra credit. The book suggests that teachers should never use extra credit so that students don't feel like they can slack off sometimes because they know they will be able to make it up. I disagree. If the student is willing to do the extra work that extra credit should require then I don't see the problem in making it available. We all have bad weeks where we simply can't seem to keep up and a test or quiz turns out badly because of it. Extra credit should just be a way to make up that bad week.

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